Samyutta Nikaya
Samyutta Nikaya
The Connected Sayings of the Buddha
Translated with notes in the Sutta Discovery Series
by Piya Tan (c)2006
- S 1.41 Agara Aditta Sutta On having the right priorities in life
- S 1.42 Kimdada Sutta On the Best Gift
- S 1.33 Sadhu Sutta The benefits of giving
- S 1.20 Samiddhi Sutta The Dharma is right here and now
- S 2.26 Rohitassa Sutta The world’s end cannot be reached by going.
- S 3.11 Jatila Sutta (SD 14.11) How to recognize an arhat
- S 3.19 Aputtaka Sutta 1 (Wealth is meant to be enjoyed)
- S 4.199 Tanha Jalini Sutta How craving manifests itself in 108 ways.
- S 3.21 = A 4.85 Puggala Sutta Two kinds of decline & two kinds of progress
- S 4.159 Bhikkhuni Sutta Fighting poison for poison
- S 6.1 Ayacana Sutta Brahma requests the Buddha to teach the Dharma
- S 6.2 Garava Sutta Even the Teacher Respects the Teaching
- S 6.3 Brahmadeva Sutta The high god does not need offering
- S 6.4 Brahma Baka Sutta A High God has wrong views.
- S 7.1 Dhananjani Sutta Killing what benefits us?
- S 7.12 Udaya Sutta Repetitive cyele of life
- S 11.3 Dhajagga Sutta The recollections of the three jewels
- S 12.2 Paticcasamuppada Vibhanga Sutta The Discourse on the Analysis (of Dependent Arising) [Definition of the 12 Links]
- S 12.10 Maha Sakyamuni Gotama Sutta How the Buddha awakened
- S 12.12 Moliya Phagguna Sutta There is no self behind our mental processes.
- S 12.17 Acela Kassapa Sutta The nature of action & the middle way.
- S 12.19 Balena Pandita Sutta Proof for the three-life dependent arising.
- S 12.25 Kammavada Bhumija Sutta Not all karmas are consciously done.
- S 12.37 (Kaya) NaTumha Sutta The Discourse on (the Body that is) “Not Yours” [The basis for dependent arising]
- S 12.38-40 Cetana Sutta 1-3 Karma, intention, unconscious actions.
- S 12.44 (Samuday’atthangama) Loka Sutta How the world is created.
- S 12.51 Parivimamsana Sutta How dependent arising leads to Nirvana.
- S 12.61 Assutava Sutta 1 The impermanence of the mind, dependent arising, and nibbida.
- S 12.62 Assutava Sutta 2 Understand feelings leads to nibbida
- S 12.63 Puttamamsa Sutta [The Discourse on the Son’s Flesh] The four kinds of food.
- S 12.64 Atthiraga Sutta The nature of the arhat’s consciousness.
- S 12.65 Nagara Sutta How the Buddha awakened: the parable of the city.
- S 14.7 Sanna Nanatta Sutta How we interpret our sense-experiences.
- S 17.36 Pancarathasatha Sutta Even in gain, the evil decline.
- S 20.7 Ani Sutta How to prevent the disappearance of the Dharma.
- S 21.1 Kolita Sutta The Noble Silence
- S 22.1 Nakulapita Sutta Although my body is sick, my mind will not be sick.
- S 22.3 Haliddakani Sutta True renunciation.
- S 22.5 (Upadana) Samadhi Sutta The aggregates: a synchronic view.
- S 22.47 Samanupassana Sutta Looking into the true nature of things.
- S 22.48 Dve Khandha Sutta The existential nature of the unawakened and the awakened.
- S 22.51 Khandha Nandikkhaya Sutta 1 Mental Liberation through reflecting on the aggregates as impermanent.
- S 22.52 Khandha Nandikkhaya Sutta 2 Mental Liberation through wisely considering on the aggregates.
- S 22.56 Upadana Parivatta Sutta The 5 aggregates within this life.
- S 22.59 Anattalakkhana Sutta The Buddha’s second discourse (on the self and not-self).
- S 22.80 Pindolya Sutta The true purpose of spiritual life
- S 22.81 Parileyya Sutta How to immediately destroy the mental defilements.
- S 22.87 Vakkali Sutta Sexuality and Sainthood
- S 22.101 Vasijata Sutta (Nava Sutta) How to meditate
- S 22.102 Aniccasanna Sutta (or Aniccata Sutta) The primacy of reflecting on impermanence
- S 22.103 Anta Sutta “Identity” in the light of the four noble truths
- S 22.126 Samudayadhamma Sutta Reflection on impermanence of the 5 aggregates
- S 24.6 Karota Sutta How the doctrine of non-action arises
- S 24.7 Hetu Sutta How the wrong view of non-causality arises.
- S 25.1 Cakkhu Anicca Sutta Become a stream-winner in this life itself.
- S 35.23 Sabba Sutta The 12 sense-bases: a Buddhist theory of everything.
- S 35.28 Adittapariyaya Sutta Everything is burning with greed, hate and delusion.
- S 35.68 Samiddhi Sutta 4 Our senses are the world.
- S 35.79 Avijja Sutta How true knowledge arises
- S 35.82 (Lujjati) Loka Sutta The world is constantly breaking up.
- S 35.95 Malunkyaputta Sutta The Discourse to Malunkyaputta
- S 35.116 Lokanta Gamana Sutta How the world will really end.
- S 35.155 Ajjatta Nandikkhaya Sutta Mental liberation through reflecting the senses as impermanent.
- S 35.156 Bahiddha Nandikkhaya Sutta Mental liberation through reflecting the sense-objects as impermanent.
- S 35.240 Kummopama Sutta The benefit of restraining the senses.
- S 35.247 Cha,pana Sutta The 6 sense are like wild animals, but they can be tamed: mindfulness of the body.
- S 36.4 and A 9.68 Heaven and Hell On the symbolic nature of hell.
- S 36.6 Sallatthena Sutta Two kinds of pain.
- S 36.19 Pancakanga Sutta Models of truth and true happiness.
- S 36.21 Sivaka Sutta Not everything is due to karma.
- S 40.1 Pathama Jhana Panha Sutta How to progress in the first dhyana
- S 40.2 Dutiya Jhana Panha Sutta How to progress in the second dhyana
- S 40.3 Tatiya Jhana Panha Sutta How to progress in the third dhyana
- S 40.4 Catuttha Jhana Panha Sutta How to progress in the fourth dhyana
- S 40.5 Akasanancayatana Panha Sutta How to progress in the sphere of infinite space
- S 40.6 Vinnanancayatana Panha Sutta How to progress in the sphere of infinite consciousness
- S 40.7 Akincannayatana Panha Sutta How to progress in the sphere of nothingness
- S 40.8 Nevasannanasannayatana How to progress in the sphere of neither-perception-nor-non-perception
- S 40.9 Animitta Cetosamadhi Panha Sutta How to progress in the signless concentration
- S 42.2 Talaputa Sutta How an actor-dancer became a monk?
- S 42.3 Yodhajiva Sutta The mercenary killer’s karma.
- S 42.9 Asibandhakaputta Kula Sutta How families are destroyed.
- S 44.9 Kutuhalasala Sutta Rebirth is driven by karmic fuel.
- S 45.8 (Magga) Vibhanga Sutta A definition of the path factors.
- S 46.3 Bojjhanga Sila Sutta Spiritual Friendship and sainthood.
- S 46.51 Ahara Sutta The mental hindrances and the awakening-factors
- S 46.54 Mettasahagata Sutta = Haliddavasana Sutta How lovingkindness leads to awakening
- S 46.55 (Nivarana) Sangarava Sutta Why we forget.
- S 47.3 Anubaddha Bhikkhu Sutta The mind can only truly focus in mental solitude
- S 47.12 Nalanda Sutta Sariputta’s lion roar; his last meeting with the Buddha
- S 47.19 Sedaka Sutta Truly guarding self and guarding others.
- S 47.40 Satipatthana Vibhanga Sutta Insight cultivation through watching impermanence
- S 47.48 Satipatthana Mitta Sutta Exhort others to practise satipatthana
- S 48.44 Pubbakotthaka Sutta The nature of Faith in Buddhism
- S 48.50 Apana Sutta The senses, spiritual faculties and powers of a practitioner.
- S 51 Iddhipada Samyutta The fourfold path to success
- S 51.15 Unnabha Sutta Not all desires are bad: the path to success.
- S 52.1 Rahogata Sutta 1 Advance Satipatthana Practice
- S 52.2 Rahogata Sutta 2 Vipassana through satipatthana
- S 54.10 (Anapanasamadhi) Kimbila Sutta Satipatthana through breath meditation.
- S 55.3 Dighavu Sutta Streamwinning and the 6 constituents of true knowledge
- S 55.7 Veludvareyya Sutta The Golden Rule/How to practice the 5 Precepts
- S 55.21 Gati Mahanama Sutta 1 A true follower will not die in vain.
- S 55.22 Gati Mahanama Sutta 2 A true follower will not die in vain.
- S 55.24 Sarakani Sutta How a drunk got enlightened.
- S 55.26 Anathapindika Sutta 1 Bedside ministry: 10 limbs of streamwinning
- S 55.27 Anathapindika Sutta 2 Bedside ministry: 4 limbs of streamwinning
- S 55.37 (Upasakasampada) Mahanama Sutta The spiritual qualities of the true lay follower.
- S 56.11 Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta (SD 1.1) The first discourse of the Buddha.
- S 56.31 Simsapa Sutta All we need to know to be free
- S 56.32 Khadira Sutta To be liberated is to know the four noble truths
- S 57.4 Satipattha Maha Kappina Sutta Cultivating the breath meditation to reach samadhi